Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why is DC getting rid of J'onn Jonzz from the Justice League?

This is an actual question I'm asking. Martian Manhunter was one of the founding members of the Justice League when the league was first created. He also has a power that the rest of the the league really doesn't have. So why is he not seemingly not in the movie universe?

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wally West

So I finally got around to watching the newest episode of the Flash. It was okay. I wish Captain Cold did a little more in the episode, and you know actually leads the Rouges. Come on cold. Be the villain we all know you are. Mark Hamill is always awesome. And the Weather Wizard was fun to watch. Now all he needs is a green custom, and he's good.

Seriously though I'm not a fan of how they beat the Wizard. The have a wand do it for them. Come on. Don't just tech your way out of a problem. Something I love about superhero comics is that victories don't come from an escalation of power. They come from using power in a smart and creative way. Aside from that it was good.

I think the only worth wild thing to bring up left is...

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Pokemon White

I give you my first team in my favorite generation of pokemon. Yes, you heard me right. Generation 5 is my favorite generation. One of my favorite aspects about it was the strong push it had on all the new pokemon. A few pieces of trivia for you, I didn't know Unfezant had a male and female form. I only saw the male form for the first time after I fought Skyla. Cutie Shock was actually an in game trade. Also I could( and probably will) make a hole post about my favorite type: dark types, but for now I'll say I love Zorarak. Generation 5 also gave a lot of great bug types, and despite how horrible of a typing grass/bug is I still love Leavanny. Fire Belly is a pokemon I just got stuck with. He was a fire type early game and he kind of just stayed around. And finally Uniseal is the best stater.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Pokemon Heart Gold

My first play through of this game was actually interesting. This was my first (and only) try on a let's play. If you look really hard you may be able to find it. The name Z is reference to my user name. Lighthouse because of the pokemon on top of the lighthouse. Donphan is a mammoth. Vui is once again a reference to Pokemon Adventures. I don't know where Cold Wave came from. Psych is actually a name I was proud of. Noctowel has a lot of psychic movie, but isn't actually a psychic type just like Shaun from the TV show Psych.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Pokemon Silver

With the release of Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver I was able to get a copy of Pokemon Silver from a friend of mine. That game is still my only experience of the second generation of Pokemon. Anyway the Cyndaquil line is my favorite line in Johto, so that where Explotaro came from. The name is a reference Gold's Typhlosion from the Pokemon Adventure series, This will not be the only time I get a name from Pokemon Adventure. This is actually the only time I've ever played through a region for the first time without picking the water type.
Holmes came about because of how excited I was for the Sherlock Holmes movie. I don't remember why I got pure poison type when pure poison is such a bad offense type, but it did have the move Glare. It was more support then anything else. Zen was a powerhouse with the last gym and the champion both being dragon types. Cerbirdus was added right before the elite for. I liked the pun of a name I gave it so I kept it.
This would be my first instance of a five Pokemon team, and I think it worked quiet well. Next time we'll get in the remakes of generation two.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pokemon Platinum team

I don't know how it happened, but I had created my own team. What's more I actually have things to talk about with this team. First off I did know how to spell tsunami at first so my Empoleon's real name was sunami until my dad corrected me. Pitch Dark was suppose to be Pitch Black, but character limits said no to that. Crusher didn't actually have a nickname. Garchomp is just that awesome of a name. B.J. was actually the name of my friends Infernape, so I named my own fire type after her's. Clover is the luckiest damn Pokemon I've ever had. It would dodge things left and right. It would always get critical. And it would survive hits it really should not. Clover was the only name that fit. Buzz Shock was named after the Ben 10 alien Buzz Shock.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pokemon Pearl team

For those of you who have plated through Pearl you may notice about my team. Do not fear. I will inform you. 4 of those Pokemon can't actually be found until the post game. Now this will be the only time I bring up an after game team. The reason I did it here was because if I didn't then the team in standard play would have just been King and Talk-a-lot. So instead of just making Fire Red again I went with this team.

I guess the only other thing of note to mention is that because I had no friends with Pokemon growing up Terrahorn was a Ryhdon for most of the time.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Pokemon Emerald Team

Hey people. It's time for my next Pokemon team. This one was from Pokemon Emerald. I never played Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire, so no teams from those games. Anyway on to the team.
For a long while Marshal was my only Pokemon. As such it power leveled really quickly. I could earthquake everything. I really liked Ash's tokoal in the show, so I caught one when I saw it. Toothbrush was actually a trade from a friend of mind who had reached the Safari Zone long before I did. Phany and Donhan are some of my favorite Pokemon, so I was happy to get them.

And I know what your thinking "Why did you name your Donphan Toothbrush?" When I was growing up I had this big stuffed elephant that I named Toothbrush. It was named that because their was an animal show I watched as a kid. One of those episodes that an elephant that they named toothbrush. And that is the Secret Origins of Toothbrush.

As you can tell the team as a whole is horrible for fighting water types. As such I lost to the Champion a few times. So when I found Rayquazza I caught it and used it to win. I wasn't the best player of Pokemon at the time.

And their you have it. Join me next time as I take a look at the fourth generation of Pokemon as I slowly begin to learn about teams.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Pokemon Fire Red team

So a while back my sister asked me what my Pokemon team was. I told her my favorite competitive team at the time, but this got me thinking. I had made a whole lot of teams in various Pokemon Games. As such I looked backed in my mind's eye, and made some photo shopped images on paint of the teams I originally bet the games with. I originally posted them on facebook, so with me just completing a new game I thought I'd post them here as well. I'll also be going in a little more detail about them. So let us now begin with the first Pokemon game I ever played.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Omiverse Oversight: Julie Yamamoto

Introduced in Alien Force Julie was the new love interest for Ben. Where she was competitive Ben was laid back. Where Ben was rash and pron to bumbling she was calm and understanding. Their relationship felt real. They fought yes, but they still really cared about each other. That bond was one of the reasons Ben was able to walk away from ultimate power. I understand not everyone likes Julie, but I really liked her. Not just as a love interest but as a person. And then Omiverse fucked it all up.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Just watched all of Vixen

So Vixen was a thing, and wow was that a good show. I was scared at first with the show being animated, but some effects like Vixen's shadow really made me glad it was animated. I was also concerned the Flash and Arrow were going to take over the show. Thankfully that did not happening. The banter between the two of them was actually really funny. If I had to make a complaint it was short. I really should have been longer, but if this does well hopefully CW will make more Vixen. I actually have one more complaint, but it's less serious so you can leave now if you want.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Top 10 DC superheros for Arrowverse

With Season 2 of the Flash and season 4 of Arrow just around the corner this CW DCU is just getting bigger and bigger. Arrow is giving us Mr. Terrific and John Constantine, and The Flash is giving us Atom Smasher and the rest of the Flash family aside from Bart and Max. But the DC universe is very big. As such their are so many more characters that can be added to this universe. So let's make this a top 10 superheros I wanted to see in this universe. My only rule is no members of the Big 3(Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman) or anyone directly associated with them(Superboy, Nightwing, Wonder Girl, etc.).

Coke vs Pop vs Soda

Thursday, September 3, 2015

One Piece 799

Before you click to see my thoughts I want you to catch up on One Piece. Don't read anymore of this if you haven't. Just trust me on this.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Part 2 Zoom

So, one of my theories for Zoom was a future Barry Allen, but Tony Todd has now been cast for the part of Zoom. Now Tony Todd doesn't look like Grant Gustin, so I don't think that theory will be happening. Anyway onto my next theories.

Hunter Zoloman
He was Wally West's Reverse Flash. He even goes by Zoom. Out of all the theories this is the one I want to happen.

The Rival
With Jay Garrick showing up what if the villain is one of his.The Rival got super speed like Jay, but to my knowledge only showed up once.

Daniel West
Please don't do the new 52 rout. Nothing good could come from it. For those of you not in the know Daniel West is Iris West's older brother. I do not like him. That and his comic backstory really won't work in the show. As a child Daniel was abused by his father, but Joe is too nice of a guy to do that.

Wally West
Okay here me out. In the new 52 their is a future Barry Allen running around in a blue costume. We know from the trailers that Zoom will have a Blue streak. Tony Todd is a black man about to be a character who runs fast with a blue streak behind him. So what if Tony is playing a future Wally.

Well whatever it turns out to be as long as they don't screw up Wally I'll be happy with season two.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

That is not my Job

I'm an English major and for my World English course I had to write an informal essay about my thoughts on the story of Job from the Hebrew Bible. I just finished writing it. I haven't even edited it yet. But I'm going to post it here. You can read it if you want or you can just wait until I post my thoughts on Zoom, but for now just click the keep reading to see my thought on some religious text. Also any advice you may be able to give on it would be welcomed.

Got to go Faster Faster Faster Faster Faster!

I don't know why Sonic X is in my head, but I think it fits well with today's topic.

The Flash season 2 is almost here. I for one couldn't be happier. Part of this comes from the all of the various casting they've made, or characters they've said will be in this season. While I don't recognize any of the actors I defiantly recognize the characters. Wally West, Jay Gerrick, Jesse Chambers, and Zoom.

For those of you not in the know let me fill you in. These first three are members of the Flash Family, other superheroes that work with the Flash(or have been the Flash) who are connected to the Speed Force. Jay is the first person to ever be the Flash. Wally is the first person to ever be Kid Flash and third to be The Flash. Jesse never took the title of Flash, but she is the daughter of some older superheroes and got her powers from them.

Jay is the one I have the most hope about. You see they're going with the original idea for the relationship between Barry and Jay. Namely they are both the Flash, but they're from different universes. With that in mind I want the episode were they meet to be called The Flash of Two Worlds in reference to the actual comic title where the meet.

Wally is the one I really want to see. Wally is not just my favorite Flash, but my favorite character in all of comics. So I'm really looking froward to seeing him in live action for the first time. I give my thoughts more detail in a previous post so go find that if your curious.

Jesse is going to be a new love interest for Barry. It makes me sad that a new character is being introduced just to be a corner in a love triangle, but what are you going to do? I will say this tho. I will like her a lot more then Iris. Why? Because I've liked every one of Barry's love interests more then I've liked Iris. I really don't like Iris.

You've probably noticed that I haven't talked about Zoom yet. That's because so much of Zoom is just speculation. All we have seen is a Blue streak followed by the words "Zoom is coming". This could mean so many things. So join me next time for part two were I'll talk about all of my ideas for Zoom and give my overall thoughts to the list of new characters.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Wow. That was really fun!

Earlier this week I made a post talking about characters I wanted in smash. One of those characters was the half-genie Shantae. While I was talking about her, I said I'd never actually played any of her games. That has now changed, and wow was that fun. I'm by no means a videogame reviewer, but Shanae and the Pirates' Curse is a very fun platformer.

I should say my experience with metroidvania games consist of Metroid Prime when I was 10. I didn't enjoy it. It probably didn't help that I was horrible at the game. So this is my first platformer of this kind I've played in 9 years. So I was a little nervous about getting into this game. Man was I surprised. I loved this game. Combat and platforming was really fun, but what I enjoyed most of all was the dialogue. This was a lot funnier then I thought it was going to be.

But I also learned the lesson of never playing the game when when my roommates around again. While I was playing it on my TV he came in with his friends, what they didn't notice was the amazing music, cool level design, or funny characters. They just said "She's got a nice rack." Sometimes I really hate my roommate.

Also the Flash thing will happen later. I'll start right that tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Top 10 smash DLC charactes

It's been a while sense we heard anything about smash DLC (Most likely do to the death in the Nintendo family). As such I feel like making my own top 10 list of smash DLC fighters I want to see in the game. First to set some rules up front:
No returning fighters (Sorry Wolf)
No none-videogame characters
No videogame characters that have never been on a Nintendo console
No characters that are assist trophies
This list will be in no real order.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Dear CW's The Flash,

Don't you dare mess up Wally West.

My fear comes from the fact that you have made an African American man, Keiynan Lonsdale, Kid Flash. Now my problem is not that he is black like I assume a lot of people are. My problem is I'm afraid that the newest West's character will be based of off the New 52's Wally West who was also African American. New 52 Wally West is an angry black teenager who hates the Flash for putting Wally's father away in jail for being a supervillian. That is the beginning and end to his character. While you can make a character out of that, just know that it will not be Wally West.

Wally West is a science nerd and a Flash fanboy. When he gets super powers his first thought is to be a superhero. He's impulsive and doesn't think everything through. And above all he cares so much for his family. His wife, kids, other speedsters, and fellow titans all mean the world to him, and Wally will do anything to protect them. That is who Wally West is(minus the trouble of coming to terms with the fact that he is the Flash and and living up to what Barry had set for him).

So CW's The Flash we know that Wally can be done right. Look at Young Justice or Justice League. Both shows has Wally West as a main character, and both shows do the character justice.

I hope I have shown you that making Wally West into an amazing character is very possible, but let me make a quick warning before I sign off. If you dare mess up my favorite character of my favorite superhero I swear I WILL MAKE AN ANGRY POST ON THIS VERY BLOG! Maybe I'll even make a post on tumbler.


Friday, July 31, 2015

A look at the next King

Wealth, fame, power. If someone where to travel the world and find the legendary treasure, the One Piece, they would have all of that and anything else the world had to offer. One such person is the young Monkey D. Luffy, but he doesn't want the One Piece for any of those reasons. Luffy wants to find the One Piece for the sake of it. Luffy can very easily come off as a simple man because most of the times he is. He wants to eat a lot. He wants adventure. And he wants to follow his dream. But that's not all their is to him. Digging  little deeper you can find a man with an interesting look on people, life, and goals.

Let's start with people. Luffy is very friendly, and can make friends easily. He will also go to great lengths to protect them. What is more interesting is when he will protect them. Luffy goes through life giving it all or nothing, so he respects others who do so as well. What he doesn't respect are cowards. People who won't stand up for something they believe in. Now he understands that not everyone is as strong as him, but he doesn't think that should matter. The way he sees it is that standing up for something is the first step. Luffy will handle the next step. Namely kicking the ass of whoever stands in his friend's way.

Luffy says in episode one that if he dies then he dies. As long as he died following his dream then he has no regrets. Luffy is always willing to risk his life in a battle. He also has an amazing will to live. These to treats create something truly powerful. He is a man who won't quiet until he dies, and he refuses to die. He will also needlessly put himself in harms way to protect people. He get's up set when he can't protect the people he cares about.

Luffy along with everyone on his crew have goals that they want to achieve. But Luffy isn't really interested in his goal. Don't get me wrong. He wants to find the One Piece and become the King of the Pirates, but searching for treasure isn't about the treasure for him. Luffy loves adventure, so he will get side tracked a lot to chase various legends. That's why Luffy is actually looking for the One Piece. It's the biggest legend their is. When Luffy do find the One Piece and become the Pirate King I would not be surprised if the very next thing he does is set out for sail to look for a brand new adventure.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The problem of the first season of Pokemon

Ash very rightfully lost the Pokemon league. Look at all of the gym badges Ash got while he traveled. Now think how he actually got the badges.
1st Badge: Sprinkler System took out Onix
2nd Badge: Team Rocket interrupted the battle, but then Misty's sister gave him the badge
3rd Badge: Won in an actual fight, but with Brock's plan and instructions
4th Badge: Made Sabrina laugh
5th Badge: Ash was loosing the battle, but he saved the gym leader's Pokemon
6th Badge: Actually Won
7th Badge: Won once again
8th Badge: didn't actually fight the gym leader
Ash only earned two of his badges the correct way on his own. No wonder he lost so badly. He shouldn't have been able to even make it to the Pokemon League in the first place. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Omiverse Oversight: Third Time's the Charm

This is a new kind of article were I will talk about how Ben 10 Omiverse could have been so much better. Today we will be stating with the episode Third Time's the Charm. The main thing I will be talking about is a new character introduced in this episode, Bezel. Bezel is the creator of the Charms of Bezel  which where powerful magical mcguffins in season one. Bezel himself is the most powerful magic user of all time. But here is the catch. He doesn't actually like magic. This raises to very important questions. Why does Bezel not like magic and how did Bezel become the most powerful magic user ever?

The first question is actually answered in the episode. He doesn't like how magic just does things. How their is no logic. He just can't stand it. This makes you have to ask the first question even more. Why did Bezel even study magic to the point where he is basically all powerful? Now their are to ways to look at this. The first is that he was just born with a lot of magic power like Gwen. But that's...kind of boring.

Let's make things more interesting. Bezel was a man who wanted to learn about the world. So he studied all he could. In time he found his way to a power that could change anything, magic. But Bezel was not interested in power; he wanted to learn. So he began a study of magic. He was prepared to find out how magic works and find the logic behind it. Through he researched he slowly gained power from the all the knowledge he gained, but none of it was what he wanted. He learned how to do many great things, but he never was able to figure out why magic did what it did. He came to the conclusion that magic doesn't have logic to it. So he turned his back on magic not wanting to interact with such a chaotic force. After he left the world of magic he discovered something different, the world of magic tricks. These people would stand in front of a crowed preform wondrous acts, but not by breaking the rules of the world. It's a trick. Bezel loved this idea and spends his life enjoying that.

Did I just write fan fiction? Yes I did. But like I said How Bezel became so powerful is never explained. It could have been so interesting, but no. He was just a janitor for some reason who played with magic cards.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I don't like Cinema Sins. I have only watched a little, but it seem a lot more mean spirited then it has to be. Something I do like is Pokesins. It's basically Cinema Sins but with Pokemon episodes. I should say at first. Pokesins quickly became more then just a copy. Instead of counting all of the negatives it also points out the positives in an episode. It then scores it relative to every other episode that has been done. It is a lot of fun and seems to me at least that it is a lot friendlier.

You can find the first episode here.

Monday, July 27, 2015


One of my pet peeves when it comes to TMNT is when people talk about Leatherhead as a villain. Now I get Leatherhead was a villain in the 1987 TV series, but I wasn't born until 1996. My original viewing of TMNT was with the 2003 series, and in that series he was an allie to the turtles. What's more in the 2012 series he is also an allie. Now I believe people can be a fan of something without watching/reading/liking everything in a fandom. I consider myself a Static fan even though I only know him from the Static cartoon. Like I said this is only really be pet peeve. I just wanted to voice my annoyance.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

I am tired

So I just got out of the shower. I checked all the locks. I turned off the lights. I jumped into bed. I was thinking about what I may have to do at work tomorrow. Then a thought passed through my head. I pulled myself out of bed say "Shit. I still have to write something today.

So Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening is an interesting character. She came back through time to save the world. But what a lot of people don't think about her is her scary amount of determination. She is obsessed with completing her mission. She won't let anyone get in her way or have anything stop her. Lucina will even go so far as to kill Robin how could be her Husband or even her Mother. While she did hesitate, it was only because of Chrom that Lucina didn't kill Robin.

Now it's the end of the game. The mission has been completed. What happens next for Lucina. Does she continue on with the Shepherds? Maybe she uses that same determination to protect her country. Or mayb she leaves. She has completed a mission that had escaped her for so long. Would Lucina even see herself as having a purpose anymore? Maybe after the final battle she would just continue on just trying to find meaning in her life again.

That was actually the characterization of Lucina from a fanfic I'm reading. I think it's an interesting look on Lucina. Also Pit is there and I love me some Pit.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Willis Week Bonus: It's Pregnancy

David Willis and his wife Maggie are going to have a twins. With this new life experience the Willis family have now been getting ideas for pregnancy related jokes. Sadly the only comic Willis is working on, Dumbing of Age, has no characters expecting a child, so the joke he's coming up with can't be released. To remedy this Willis has opened up the original universe once again to show Joyce and Walky going through the coming months until their first born son Bobby is born.

I was half tempted to not even talk about this. Mainly because their is nothing to really talk about. The focus is all on the humor. Characterization is the same as it was in Joyce and Walky. The art and coloring is simple so Willis can quickly make one when he gets an idea. He doesn't post regularly. He only posts when he gets an idea. I think it's funny, and I'm really happy to see my OTP of Joyce and Walky again. But that's really all their is to this. I'm only really talking about this so I can catch u on the update I missed.

If you want to see what it's about just click here.

The Abridged Series

I'm not an anime fan. Nothing really agents it. I've tried a lot, but I've only ever really loved One Piece. I also enjoy the Pokemon and Yugioh Series, but that's mostly out of nostalgia. Now, what I do enjoy is(as the title may have hinted) a good Abridged series.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Willis Week part 5: Dumbing of Age

Dumbing of Age is the most recent webcomic David Willis has made, and it is still going on as of the time I'm writing this. Dumbing of Age(DoA) is a college AU of every character Willis has made before. That's right. Characters from Roomies, It's Walky, Joyce and Walky, and Shortpacked! can be found in this comic to varying degrees. The character's characterization is very similar to how they were before their character development in the main universe. But as DoA progresses they do turn into different people so you may want to distance yourself from any knowledge you have on these other characters. Now their are a lot of characters in DoA. As such I will not be covering every character. I will just be covering some of my favorites. So let's jump right in.

But befor that I just want to be clear. SPOILERS AHEAD!! I didn't really care about telling spoilers before mainly because those were over, but this is something that is still going on. So do NOT read ahead unless you are up to date on DoA.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Willis Week part 4: Shortpacked!

Possibly the best, diffidently the most famous of Willis' work Shortpacked! is the longest running series he has made. In ran for ten years and was in real time. So if a comic came out in 2007 the year in universe was 2007. Anyway Shortpacked! is the story of a toy store by the same name. Now their isn't really an overall plot to Shortpacked!. It is just the humorous lives of the people who work their. That's not to say things are static. Things are constantly changing in the story, but it's all character stuff.

Similar to Joyce and Walky, Shortpacked can be broken up into two section. The first section is purely humor. Now the humor is a mix between the character interaction, toy humor, and pop culture. I find most of this very funny except for the toy humor. I never really knew this about Willis until I read Shortpacked!, but he is a bug transformers nerd. I am no a big Transformers nerd. As such I don't get a lot of those joke. With that in mind you may not enjoy his other aspects. I really feel if you get the joke you will find it fun, and if not then you won't. That may sound very obvious, but it's the only way to describe it. Now on to the big strength of Shortpacked! The characters.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Willis Week part 3: Joyce and Walky

It's the end of an alien war. Joyce and Walky have saved the human raise and proved that the love they have for each other can not be broken. Now they live in suburbia. People aware of David Willis may be wondering why I'm not talking about Shortpacked! even though it came about before Joyce and Walky. Re reason is that Joyce and Walky is the squeal to It's Walky while Shortpacked! is a spin-off. Anyway on to the summery.

Really the plot of Joyce and Walky are broken up into two parts. Part one is mostly comedy. This part focuses on Joyce and Walky living together, interacting with neighbors, and planing their wedding. This is also the free part of Joyce and Walky. Yes part of Joyce and Walky you have to pay to read, but if you want you want to read it just become a patren. Speaking of the second part it has a  lot more plot to it. A Head Alien from another dimension has come to this world to kill and destroy, but he's not the only person who has traveled dimensions. Children from various dimensions have come to this world while they try to go back in time normally. All the while Joyce is having to deal with Walky's old high school crush Dorothy coming back in his life. If this sounds stupid and contrived don't worry, I'm just really bad at summarizing. Now on to characters.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Willis Week part 2: It's Walky

As you may remember yesterday I mentioned aliens abducting students and a government group that fights them. While it was mostly used for jokes at the time, this is when everything that set up pays off. This is the story of David "Walky" Walkerton. He is a member of SEMME where they fight off aliens. Like last time I'll be using my time to talk about the various characters in It's Walky. What is actually interesting about this is how a lot of the cast of Roomies comes over to this over time. As such I will be devoting time to the as well, because It's Walky is when they get interesting.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Willis week part 1: Roomies

Everyone needs to start out somewhere, and that includes the amazing cartoonists David Willis. While I haven't been a big fan of him for long his work has really effected me, so Monday thru Friday I will be talking about every one of David Willis works. Starting off today is Willis first comic he made back in College for his school paper. I give you Roomies.

Roomies is the story of the college student Danny as he and his best friend from high school now roommate Joe go through the "wonders" of college life. To put it simply Roomies it not very good. The art work is so bad that at times I can't really tell what I'm looking at. The humor mostly in the same bag of bad with only a few genuinely funny strips in this comedic series. Even Willis thinks this is bad. Now you know me I love me some characters, and Willis likes to carry over characters from comic to comic. With that in mind I feel these posts should be more character analyses then anything else so that is really what the rest of this post will be. And for those of you who have read the works of Willis I will be only not be talking about any backstory or retcons that happened after the original Roomies run. I will talk about those when they some up, but not today.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Daredevil opening

It makes me sad to say that theme songs are slowly going away or just becoming title cards. So you can understand my surprise when I watched the first episode of Daredevil, and it had an opening theme. The show didn't have to make an opening, or it could have just been some generic shots of a city. But it is not. In Daredevil's opening the imagery alone shows the state of Hell's Kitchen and how Daredevil came about because of it.

Friday, July 17, 2015


I'm at the theater about to watch Ant-Man.  I have avoided most trailers for the movie and any information I can find I've ignored. Let's see what happens.

Ant-Man is a fun feel good movie. It is not deep, but it doesn't especially try to be. The only real deep parts were some of the character moments, but over all the movie is just fun. The training scene where Scott learns about his power is a good example of this. It shows really cool visuals with a lot of humor. Speaking of visuals this movie looks amazing. The ants look really good and the first time Scott shrinks down feels really unnerving.

The characters are interesting because I feel its where the movie both excels and falls short on. Scott for example seems to only be defined by his daughter as his Hank, but I found myself really liking them both. Speaking of Hank I don't really get why he was a superhero in the first place or why he thought the world shouldn't have his tech. The antagonist was interesting in my option. He shout the approval of Hank, and combined with his slowly crumbling mind made is undoing. Hope was actually a character that I completely get. Why she feels the way she does about her father makes a lot of sense to me. The side characters also filled their roles well. Scott's crime crew were funny and didn't get annoying, and Cassie was adorable for the the whole film.

Janet Van Dyne is something that could get a lot of people really angry at this movie for. For those of you not in the loop Janet(The Wasp) was a founding members of the Avengers who named the team. In the Ant-Man movie she is dead before it even starts. This can very understandably make a lot of people annoyed. This very important female character has been turned into someone's tragic backstory. My thought's? I have never actually read comic with Janet in it. My only experience with the Wasp was in the Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon where I found her extremely annoying, so I didn't care very much as I watched the film.

 I was not expecting to walk out of Ant-Man and have had a better time then when I watched Age of Ultron, but I did. This was just a fun movie. I want to see these characters again, so I'm looking forward to an 'Ant-Man and Wasp' movie. And yes, it needs to be called that.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Sharknado 2

I just finished watching the rifftrax live for Sharknado 2. I mean I'm in the car on the way home now. So with it fresh on my mind let's quickly talk about mystery science theater 3000.

MST3K was a show on Comedy Central in the late 90s. It started Joel a janitor for Gizmonic. He did a fine job, but his bosses didn't like so they shot him into space. Now they send him cheesy movies. The worst they can. They have him sit and watch them all as they monitor his mind. Now keep in mind Joel can't control when those movies begin or end because  he used those special parts to make his robot friends.

Now the "story" I just said is not important at all. MST3K is about one thing and one thing only. Making fun of bad movies. That's it. The show knows the story is stupid, but it doesn't care. The show knows the focus is about making fun of old movies, so it doesn't try to be any more than that. With that in mind I don't see why I should talk about the story any more. Really I shouldn't even talk about the characters because that's not what the show is about. The show is about making fun of cheesy movies.

The interesting thing about the show is actually how simple it is. At the end of the day it is a show about some friends watching a movie and making fun of it. Most people have done it before, but these people made a show out of it. Compind with the fact that they are really funny people it creates a show I can easily recommend. It's not a show that needs to be watched in orders so I recomend starting at one of my favorite episodes The Lost Continent. Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Tale of Two Stans

A while back I made a reaction post about my thoughts on the recent Transformers movie. I had planed on Friday to do something similar with the Ant-Man move which I still plan to, but I learned earlier today that the most recent episode of Gravity Falls finally aired. I just finished watching the episode so here are my thoughts. A lot of interesting stuff happens so their will be spoilers for the show.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Yugioh + Reincarnation

A quick one, but let's talk about how cool the original series of Yugioh was and how it uses reincarnation. The first thing is the obvious, Yugi and Kaiba are reincarnations of Egyptian counterparts. But it more than that. In universe the card game Duel Monsters was based off of something called a Shadow Game which is basically a ritual used to summon monsters. Those monsters are then used to fight battle where the loser looses their soul. That small idea is a brilliant reason to why these people playing card games can hold the fate of the world.

Now as I said the card game is basically a reincarnation of Shadow Games, and that is what is important. The name has changed, but the ritual is basically the same. Monsters are summoned to do battle against other monsters only this time they come from cards instead of stone tablets. So if someone knows the power of the ritual then they can use it to enter a shadow game. This then means the monsters are real and the power they hold is real. Just look at the God cards. If you are not worthy then the cards will trick you down. It makes these children playing cards have a whole lot more weight to them.

I may talk about all of this in more detail in the future, but this is just an idea I've been thinking about today. I wanted to put it down somewhere so here it is.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Skin Horse

As technology changes humans will be forced to answer questions it has never been faced with before. How will we react when a computer is able to talk about to us on its own accord? What happens when a lab rat we've been working on says it doesn't want to do any more experiments? What happens when the dead walks the earth again and this time they want health insurance? The government will have to find a way to deal with these new citizens. And thus Project Skin Horse was created.
Skin Horse is about the government section Skin Horse which deals with none human life, but not with a violent way. As seen above they are civil works with the job of helping people. Skin horse is a small group so all members are part of the main cast. First off is field team leader Sweetheart. U.N.I.T.Y a field agent and Sweetheart's roommate. Dr. Dennis "Tip' Wilkins is a psychologists and team liaison with the government. Their is also Moustachio(Office secretary) and Gavotte (Skin Horse director)   While the story is fairly simple at first it ramps up over time. This mostly humor, but the story is growing and can keep you entertained.
The characters of Skin Horse are some of the most unique cast I've ever seen. Sweetheart is that talking dog above. She was created by a made scientist to take of the United States, but doesn't really have a killing in her. Now she works for the government. He is a competent leader, but is very bad at keeping control over her team. U.N.I.T.Y. is a government project to create an undead, super soldier, killing mechanic, and the succeeded in everything save for the soldier part. U.N.I.T.Y. is a trigger happy zombie who is on the team many so she can hurt things that get out of line. Tip was a Captain in the U.S. army before joining Skin Horse. He is also a transvestite. These characters are good at working off each other and they do get the job done. Sometimes. Okay rarely, but it is a fun adventure.
  Yep the story gets big. At first a lot of the things that happen are just wacky fun, but as things progress new information is revealed that shacks things up. Many characters believe a war is coming between humans and non-humans. Our cast also learns that this may not be the first war like this. And its possible that Skin Horse does more harm then good. All of these things are used to make a actually really compelling story. I know at the very least I want to see what is happening.
Over all skin horse is a fun and amusing comic with character you just want to see more of. I would click here to start.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

My first look at television

Sometimes a show can be unapologetic about the things it shows. It will put something on the screen and tell the world it's not afraid to show it. IT will have characters deal with problems to one else in television is dealing with.  A show like that can be hard to find, but I have found an excellent example of a television show being open about what it tackles. I am of course talking about CW's The Flash.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Cross Out

I really regret doing this week. As it turned out I only had two nuzlockes to talk about. Now I'm in a car with back pains with only a few hours to write this. Let this be for future me. When you decide to do something PLAN IT OUT! So I'm just going to get right into today's comic. This is Cross Out.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

ZUBATMAN's Exploration

Sometimes an idea can pop into your head. An idea so crazy, so amazing that you just have to ask yourself 'I can't be the only one to have thought of this.' I had one such idea. That idea was a simple name "Zubatman". I looked at up the name on  google image search and followed it up with a tumbler search and I found this image.
ZUBATMAN's Exploration is a nuzlocke of Pokemon Emerald, but with a clear twist. It's a big Batman parody. The premise is that Hoenn is in troble and it's up to Zubatman to save the day as he travels through Hoenn defeating gym leaders who are actually super villains. It is a weird idea, but it plays with the idea well.
 This comic is not home the deepest characters in the world. Zubatman is very serious and doesn't fully get the Pokemon world and rules. Every other character is an extreme making Zubatman the strait man for the world. That's basically it for characterization.
I really don't know what else to say about Zubatman. The idea is silly and the comic treats it as such. It's just a fun ride with not a lot of depth. It is funny, but you won't get anything else out of it. Here is your link to get started. Next time I'll have something with a little more depth, maybe!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Doubt and Trust

This may seem obvious but many writers can forget this; a narrative needs a hook at the start in order to keep the reader coming back. Sometimes that hook is an interesting premise. The hook maybe a mystery that keeps the audience asking questions. Maybe the hook is a group of characters that just work well off of each other. With this being a comic it could be that the art is so breath taking that it just sucks you into the world. Luckily Nyapapa's nuzlocke Doubt and Trust do all of those this well.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Myths of Unova

I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but my favorite Pokemon generation is gen 5. Why is something I may take about in the future, but one of the big reasons is because of the story and character. While it is nothing special compared to a lot of stories, Black and White are very deep compared to other Pokemon game. Character also have more depth to them with Cheren and Bianca being the only friendly rivals I've ever really liked. With my love for Pokemon Black and White you may be able to guess that one of my favorite nuzlockes is of generation 5.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Fire Red: Hard Mode

Pokemon games are easy assuming the player has played RPGs before( I got a friend of mine to try pokemon for the first time and she had a lot of trouble with it). Because of this fact, some Pokemon fans do self imposed challenges as they beat the game. One of the most famous examples of this was when someone going by the screen name Nuzlocke made some added rules for his play through of Pokemon Ruby. The rules were that he could only catch the first Pokemon he found on a rout( if he fails to catch it then no Pokemon for him), and if a Pokemon faints then that Pokemon is dead and must be released. Nuzlocke made a webcomic chronicling his adventures. Today we will be looking at his squeal series when he used the same rules for Pokemon Fire Red.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Harpy Gee

Young people have a need to rebel. Some rebel against social customs, other rebel against the law, but most just rebel against their parents. Why do they do this? Freedom. Freedom from the rules of a society and culture you don't like. Freedom from an establishment you don't support. Freedom to live your life however and with whoever you want. It is this search for that intoxicating freedom that compelled a young elf girl named Harpy to leave her home behind in search for something new.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


The best kind of parody is one made of love, not hate. When it's made out of hate most of the jokes boil down to 'this is stupid', but win it's made out of loves the writing changes. The writer has an understanding of the property. Any jabs at the property are more akin to a cousin teasing you about something stupid you did back in grad school. The GaMERCaT is one such webcomic.

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob

An important contrast for the first act of the hero's journey archetype is the difference from the real world to the fantastic world. The normal world is set up only for the hero to get a taste of a more adventurous life followed by the full on embracing the new life. The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob is one of those stories. It is also the comic's main joke.
 Bob is an incredibly normal person who likes his life and doesn't really care if he gets more out of it. But one day an alien landed on his roof and his life spiraled from their. Bob has ended up on many supernatural adventure. While most of the adventures involve aliens, other forces like unicorns and genetic experiments have been the center of some stories. And once the problem has been revolved with Bob's help, Bob goes back home to open up his newsstand the next day. That's basically it.

This is a humor based comic with a narrative broken up into multiple story arcs. The humor of the comic mostly stems from Bob being incredibly normal and staying very normal throughout all of the wacky adventures he goes through. I personally find the idea of this very ordinary guy going through all of this crazy incredibly funny. What doesn't work as well are some of the running jokes. Not all of them are bad. I find the fact that Bob's roof always gets destroyed to be hilarious, but some of the fourth wall jokes just hurt. Also the early comic pages were made for Pennsylvania State University so some early pages are just in-jokes.
The stories are not complex, but they don't have to be. These are just random adventures Bob and his friends happen to go on. It is a lot like a classic Greek story in that way. Bob is just going through his own adventure(his normal life) when weird stuff happens during it, but he overcomes it and continues on his way. One thing that differs from Greek tales is that his misadventures effect his normal life. For example that genetic experiment I mentioned earlier becomes his adopted daughter. The cartoonist Jim Cleveland also loves reusing characters whether they were important or minor. 

I feel I should quickly bring up Dr. Jean Poule. She is Bob's boyfriend and is such a great character. The comic doesn't do a lot of drama, but when it does the stuff focused around Jean is when its at its best. Also the back-and-fourth she has with Bob is very cute. She's my favorite character and I just wanted to talk about her a little.

The art is black and white throughout. It can be difficult to get use to, but it is possible. Backgrounds and character models are overall simple, but the image is always clear and you can always figure out what the image is. With that being said the art can shift to a much grander and complex image. 
If I had to describe The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob I would call it simple. The characters are simple. The stories are simple. The art is simple. But at times the character, story, and art can become much grander. This comic is a fun science fiction run for anyone wanting something simple out of it. If you want to read the comic I would recommend starting at beginning by clicking here

That's it for today. See you tomorrow.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


A story shown over time(like television) has a different challenge then something with the whole story shown at once(like a novel); it has to convince the audience to come back at the next part. Webcomics must also jump this hurdle. For gag-a-day comics this is easy. The comic just has to make a joke. It does not need to remind people of the plot or character motivation. A comic with an ongoing narrative has to worry about something like this if they care about making shore the audience is not lost. Sadly today's comic Solstria is not an example of how to do it right.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Two Guys and Guy

American comic books are dominated by superhero fiction. I believe this stems from a combination of a lot of popular genres back in early comic namely westerns, science fiction, and mystery. Webcomics followed a different path. I may talk more about this when I get to Roomies later this month(I haven't decided yet), but for now I'll just say webcomics have more of an inspiration from comic strips found in newspapers. This means their is more of a focus on comedy then drama, and updates tend to be smaller (Comic books tend to have about 21 pages. When a webcomic updates it ranges from a panel to a page). Their maybe better examples of this but 'Two Guys and Guy' fits the description perfectly.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Database Ranger's Power Review

My favorite type of review is a summary interspersed with jokes followed by an analysis. I'm also a fan of looking at single episode when talking about a television show like what sf debris does. But I'm not here to talk about that. Let's talk about Database Ranger's Power Review. Simply put he review Power Rangers by a episode by episode base. What makes him different then anyone else you would find with a quick youtube search? Two things really. First off is that his actually reviews are done in the style that I said earlier which in a world of mostly reaction videos is really refreshing (says the man who does a show called Live Reviews). The second thing is the story line. While I won't say the stories always keep me at the edge of my set, it has created a lot of really fun characters that I love to see going on these adventures.

As you can guess I really recommend this show, but only to people who knows about Power Rangers. I'm afraid a lot of the jokes may be lost on you if you aren't aware of Power Ranger's fandom. But then again maybe you'll find some joy in watching a nerdy guy fan out about his favorite show.

If you want to watch it the show start from the beginning here.

I hope you enjoy.