Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Abridged Series

I'm not an anime fan. Nothing really agents it. I've tried a lot, but I've only ever really loved One Piece. I also enjoy the Pokemon and Yugioh Series, but that's mostly out of nostalgia. Now, what I do enjoy is(as the title may have hinted) a good Abridged series.

Now for those of you who don't know, an abridged series is a fan dub of an anime meant to parody the original work. The reason it's called an abridged series is because a single episode of an abridged series is usually only about 10-15 minutes, but it will cover one or multiple episodes of the original series it's based off of.

The first abridged series was done by LittleKuriboh who did(and still does, but rarely) Yugioh the abridged series. Other followed like Team Four Star who make DragonBall Z abridged. Those are only two of the more famous ones, but their are SO many more. Really if you google search ______ The Abridged Series you will find something. Now that is ware a problem with Abridged series will happen. Many of them are bad.

Maybe the jokes aren't funny. Maybe the video quality is horrible. Maybe it's just to nonsensical. Whatever the reason a lot of people have tried to make an abridged series, but only a handful are actually good. A lot of people have this weird misconception that humor is easy, or because someone is funny in conversation then they would be a good comedian. Or they think that by cursing they suddenly become funny. These are all traps that people trying to make an abridged series make.

Back to the good for the rest of this. An abridged series can fall into three categories that I will call wild, tame, and mix. A wild abridged series is one that doesn't slow down and can be fairly nonsensical. This is my least favorite style because it is very hard to do right. Good examples of this stlye done well are Elite 3's Pokemon Da 'bridged series and PurpleEyesWTF's  None Piece. Tame is is calm and takes it time. These videos tend to be longer and are a lot wittier then others. This is also my favorite kind. Good examples of these are SWEabridged's SAO Abridged Parody and Team Four Star's Dragon Ball Z abridged. Mix is exatly what you think it is. Sometimes it fast and sometimes it's slow and doesn't really lean to one way or the other. Good examples of this are with Abridg'd Comedy's Abridge on Titan and LittleKuribo's Yugioh The Abridged series.

Now for the links to Abridge Series I recommend
Yu-gi-oh- Random release, but gems all the same.
Dragonball Z- A humorous way to learn the Dragon Ball Z story
Pokemon- My favorite out of the various Pokemon abridges
Kotoura-san- I never watched the show. I never want to watch the show. I love this all the same
Fullmetal Alchemist-only one part and will not get a second
Attack on Titan- watch it all to get to to episode 5
Yugioh GX-not very good at first, but gets great later on
One Piece- hilarious, but very weird
Akame ga Kill- the first episode is the best
Pokemon Origins- A lot of fun for Pokemon fans
Sword Art Online- Possibly my favorite of all of these

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