Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Myths of Unova

I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but my favorite Pokemon generation is gen 5. Why is something I may take about in the future, but one of the big reasons is because of the story and character. While it is nothing special compared to a lot of stories, Black and White are very deep compared to other Pokemon game. Character also have more depth to them with Cheren and Bianca being the only friendly rivals I've ever really liked. With my love for Pokemon Black and White you may be able to guess that one of my favorite nuzlockes is of generation 5.

Myths of Unova is the second nuzlocke comic Ky-nim has done on deviantart. The story follow Nina as she goes through Unova while fighting gym-leaders and the mysterious Team Plasma. Nina is the daughter of the main character Ky-nim's previous nuzlocke. Nina also has the ability to talk to and understand Pokemon something that is very rare in this world. Also going on a journey are Nina's two best friends Cheren and Bianca.
The plot of the story is basically the same as it is in Pokemon White with a few changes to make things flow easier. What really sells everything is the character going through the story. Character are given a lot of depth and backstory, so the audience really gets attached to everyone. As talked about last time this makes losing anyone that much harder, but it doesn't happen a whole lot so you can get attached to various Pokemon.

I actually want to talk about the three main human characters for a second because they are all very interesting people. First Nina is a very warm person. She is very friendly and excepting, but can get aggressive when she feels an injustice has happened. She also has some mommy issues, Bianca is another warm person, but she tend break down more. It's not that she's week. It's more that her sexiest  father removed a lot of her confidence. Cheren is calm and goal focused. He plans to be the champion of Unova. I won't call him warm like the women, but he's not cold or heartless. He's just more withdrawn then his friends. The three of them feel like real friends and their interaction are really well done.
I've sadly run out of ways to talk about how good art looks so I'll just say it looks good. Fight scenes can be a bit rushed, but deaths are where this comic really shines as seen above.

Why did I feel like talking about these three in detail? The answer is the same reason I wanted to talk about this comic(aside from me loving them). Increased characterization can elevate an okay story to a great story, and that is what Myths of Unova does. With and increase on the people and pokemon character Myths of Unova is something I recommend to everyone not just Pokemon fans. Click here to start reading. Come back tomorrow when I'll be talking about something a little weird for a nuzlocke.

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