Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Top 10 smash DLC charactes

It's been a while sense we heard anything about smash DLC (Most likely do to the death in the Nintendo family). As such I feel like making my own top 10 list of smash DLC fighters I want to see in the game. First to set some rules up front:
No returning fighters (Sorry Wolf)
No none-videogame characters
No videogame characters that have never been on a Nintendo console
No characters that are assist trophies
This list will be in no real order.
Honorable Mentions:

 10. Okami Amaterasu
The goddess of the Sun. She's not the last third party character I'll have on this list. Her move set could come from her various weapons and sub-weapons for her specials, and her normal attacks could gain power if you press the "a" button in rhythm like how you needed to stay in rhythm to attack in Okami. Also she will be the second Goddess you'll be able to fight with in smash, or third if you believe those theories about Rosalina.

9. Wonder Red
If you've been following my blog for any time you will know I LOVE superhero fiction, so as you can imagine Wonder Red is a dream for me to be in smash. His move set is punching. It will be like fighting with red Little Mac. And the final smash could be a team attack of all the members of the 101.

8. Professor Layton
I sadly got into the Professor Layton train late. I've only played the last two games and the crossover with Phoenix Wright. With that in mind those three games where enough to tell that this puzzle loving professor is really a mild manner action star. With that in mind I have no idea what his move set would be aside from him using a sword for one of his attacks. Regardless I'm positive Layton would make a great addition to the list.  

7. Shovel Knight
When I first saw the trailer of Shovel Knight with its epic music and mighty shovel only one though crossed my mind, "I HAVE to get this game". I'm not even really into the retro style. The idea of this grand knight with large battle armor using a shovel as a weapon made me laugh. I thought it was such a fun idea; I thought I needed this game. And as it turns out I did need it. Shovel knight would be the perfect way for Nintendo to show some love for it's indie games. It's moves could come from its relics. It would be great.

6. Shantae
  I swear. I own The Pirate's Curse, I just haven't played it yet. Anyway. Shantae has been  with Nintendo for years, and finally deserves some love. What's more she would be another female to add to the cast which is always nice. Her attacks could be taken from the Pirates Curse or is could be with her various transformations. Regardless this Half-Genie would make a great addition to the list.

5. Melia
I give you the best character in Xenoblade Chronicles. Seriously I love this character. She has one of the best stories in a videogame I've seen, but talking about the story of Xenoblade is a post for another day(another day that will probably never happen). Melia is a long range magic user who would work well as a counterbalance to the close range physical attacker that is Shulk. Also she would be another female for the roster which is always nice.

4. Zinnia

I give you the reason why I like ORAS so much. Really if it wasn't for Zinnia I don't think I would have enjoyed the game as much. I can't quiet say what it is about her that I like so much. Maybe it's her cool design. Maybe it's her insight on the world. Maybe it's her mysterious backstory. Maybe it's because her battle theme is AMAZING. Whatever the reason I want her in smash. She could act like Pokemon Trainer is in Brawl with her switching between Tyrantrum(Ground attacker), Goodra(long range heavy weight) and Noviern (quick flyer). Her final smash could be her sending out her mega. Is this likely? Nope. Can I still dream? Yes.

3. Tails

I've been in a bit of a sonic mood lately mostly because of this and its squeal. As such I've been playing all of my one sonic games I own over again, Sonic Colors. Wow, have I forgot how much I love Tails. As I see it Tails could be one of three things. He could be a bare fist fighter like Sonic but slower and can fly.  He could drive around in his mech from sonic adventures. Or he could be his normal self and just pull out weapons to shoot his enemies like in Luigi Vs Tails.

2. Impa
I was either going to be Impa or Lana from Hyrule Warriors, but I picked Impa because I'm more of a fan of close range then long range. Anyway I've never actually played Hyrule Warriors, but I do like Impa's newest design. Her fighting abilities could be swinging that giant sword around with her final smash being on of her powerful combos from Hyrule Warriors.

1. King K. Rool

Confession time. I've never played a Donkey Kong Country game. My first console was a gamecube, and I didn't own any platformers at the time. So why do I think King K Rool should be in smash? It's a classic villian and could be a fun heavy weight. Something people don't always realize is that it's very easy to have never heard of something before your time. I got into video games after the DKC train had ended, so for a long tim the only person I had herd about from the series was Donkey Kong. I only looked up its history when I saw Diddy Kong in Brawl. Why do I bring this up? To make a point that K. Rool is not as iconic as a lot of people think he is. But with that in mind I still would be completely okay with him on this roster.

If I'm being realistic Tails, Zinnia, Melia, and Amaterasu will not be in the game. People vote for Knuckles before Tails. Zinnia doesn't have the recognition that the actual pokemon do. Seven is a lot more popular then Melia. And Amaterasu is a third party character that has been in a different fighting game. With that in mind I think the rest have a good chance of making it, even the indie characters. But really I would be be happy if just one of these characters on my list would get on the smash roster.

That's it for now. Join me next time when I talk about CW's The Flash...again.

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