Sunday, November 1, 2015

Pokemon Fire Red team

So a while back my sister asked me what my Pokemon team was. I told her my favorite competitive team at the time, but this got me thinking. I had made a whole lot of teams in various Pokemon Games. As such I looked backed in my mind's eye, and made some photo shopped images on paint of the teams I originally bet the games with. I originally posted them on facebook, so with me just completing a new game I thought I'd post them here as well. I'll also be going in a little more detail about them. So let us now begin with the first Pokemon game I ever played.

I should explain. Blastoied and Pidgeot where not the only pokemon I had with me. Every other Pokemon on my team stayed on my team for about a route before I would replace them with someone new. Turtle Ace and Bird were the only constant Pokemon though out this run. And no Turtle Ace and Bird were not their nicknames. I never gave nicknames to my Pokemon until Pokemon Platinum, so I gave all my unnamed Pokemon names after the fact.

Not much to say about this team. It was my first and only had to real members. So with that I'll be out. Next time will be another gen 3 game. Until then have a happy All-The-Halloween-Candy-Is-Now-On-Sale Day

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