Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Willis Week part 3: Joyce and Walky

It's the end of an alien war. Joyce and Walky have saved the human raise and proved that the love they have for each other can not be broken. Now they live in suburbia. People aware of David Willis may be wondering why I'm not talking about Shortpacked! even though it came about before Joyce and Walky. Re reason is that Joyce and Walky is the squeal to It's Walky while Shortpacked! is a spin-off. Anyway on to the summery.

Really the plot of Joyce and Walky are broken up into two parts. Part one is mostly comedy. This part focuses on Joyce and Walky living together, interacting with neighbors, and planing their wedding. This is also the free part of Joyce and Walky. Yes part of Joyce and Walky you have to pay to read, but if you want you want to read it just become a patren. Speaking of the second part it has a  lot more plot to it. A Head Alien from another dimension has come to this world to kill and destroy, but he's not the only person who has traveled dimensions. Children from various dimensions have come to this world while they try to go back in time normally. All the while Joyce is having to deal with Walky's old high school crush Dorothy coming back in his life. If this sounds stupid and contrived don't worry, I'm just really bad at summarizing. Now on to characters.

Walky has finally gotten what he wanted out of life. He lives with Joyce. He is still goofy, but will get serious when he needs to. He also cares greatly about the people in his life, and really wants them all to be happy. He has to act a mediator between Joyce and Sal a lot for that very reason. This is also one of the reasons why Walky was so open to becoming friends with Dorothy again. She had some ruff times and he wanted to be positive she was okay. Over all Walky is just very happy where he is in life and wants to keep is good life.

Joyce is dealing with a lot of insecurities now based around her relationship with other people. She's afriad that Dorthy will take her place in Walky's heart. She also becomes concerned when she relizes she don't have any friends of her own, and when she does get one she is afraid of loosing her to Sal. She is still kind and trusting, its just she now has doubts about a lot of things.

After a falling out with Jason she has moved in with Walky and Joyce. She is having a lot of trouble adjusting back to a real world. She sees herself as a creation of war and thus can't function outside of war. Despite her original anger at Jason she does learn that she really does care about him. It really hurts her that she can't have him anymore(he started dating someone else).

Danny and Billie
They marry in the beginning and by the end have two kids. In between is where the big problem comes in. They end up meeting D.J. the child of Danny and Sal from another dimension. This creates problem, but they work through it.

Bobby is the child of Joyce and Walky from the same timeline. He went back in time by accident. He doesn't have much going for him really.

D.J.'s Bobby got sent back in time as well so he went to find Bobby, but ended up in the wrong universe. Now he is having trouble dealing with the fact that his mom and dad are not together in this universe. What's more he has to deal with possibly loosing his mother agian who died when he was a young boy. His story will make you cry.

She was Walky's crush back in highschool. She was at the top of the class and is the reason Walky ever tried in highschool. When he did finally get the chance to talk to her, she said very kindly to try again later. He never got the chance as he joined SEMME soon after that. After that her life did not go as planed. Both of her parents have died, so she ended up looking for her biological father(she was adopted). She found him, but he was on his death bed. She was very weak. She needed something to believe in. This is where the head alien came in. He told her that in another world she and Walky were happily married, and that it was not to late to turn make that happen. She took the offer and then made a plan with the head alien to sabotage Joyce and Walky's relationship. After the climax she does realizes how wrong she was and tries to make amends for it.

Joyce and Walky is another amazing story with fun returning characters. I can't recommended it enough. Just click here to read the free stuff. Click here to pay for the complete comic.

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