Sunday, August 30, 2015

Got to go Faster Faster Faster Faster Faster!

I don't know why Sonic X is in my head, but I think it fits well with today's topic.

The Flash season 2 is almost here. I for one couldn't be happier. Part of this comes from the all of the various casting they've made, or characters they've said will be in this season. While I don't recognize any of the actors I defiantly recognize the characters. Wally West, Jay Gerrick, Jesse Chambers, and Zoom.

For those of you not in the know let me fill you in. These first three are members of the Flash Family, other superheroes that work with the Flash(or have been the Flash) who are connected to the Speed Force. Jay is the first person to ever be the Flash. Wally is the first person to ever be Kid Flash and third to be The Flash. Jesse never took the title of Flash, but she is the daughter of some older superheroes and got her powers from them.

Jay is the one I have the most hope about. You see they're going with the original idea for the relationship between Barry and Jay. Namely they are both the Flash, but they're from different universes. With that in mind I want the episode were they meet to be called The Flash of Two Worlds in reference to the actual comic title where the meet.

Wally is the one I really want to see. Wally is not just my favorite Flash, but my favorite character in all of comics. So I'm really looking froward to seeing him in live action for the first time. I give my thoughts more detail in a previous post so go find that if your curious.

Jesse is going to be a new love interest for Barry. It makes me sad that a new character is being introduced just to be a corner in a love triangle, but what are you going to do? I will say this tho. I will like her a lot more then Iris. Why? Because I've liked every one of Barry's love interests more then I've liked Iris. I really don't like Iris.

You've probably noticed that I haven't talked about Zoom yet. That's because so much of Zoom is just speculation. All we have seen is a Blue streak followed by the words "Zoom is coming". This could mean so many things. So join me next time for part two were I'll talk about all of my ideas for Zoom and give my overall thoughts to the list of new characters.

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