Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Willis Week part 2: It's Walky

As you may remember yesterday I mentioned aliens abducting students and a government group that fights them. While it was mostly used for jokes at the time, this is when everything that set up pays off. This is the story of David "Walky" Walkerton. He is a member of SEMME where they fight off aliens. Like last time I'll be using my time to talk about the various characters in It's Walky. What is actually interesting about this is how a lot of the cast of Roomies comes over to this over time. As such I will be devoting time to the as well, because It's Walky is when they get interesting.

David "Walky" Walkerton
Walky started out as just a lab assistant for SEMME, but due to nearly all normal operatives being mind controlled it fell to Walky and a few others to save the world from the Aliens. Walky is a goof. He doesn't want to do much in life save for watch cartoons, but he is actually really smart. He just doesn't want to try. This is okay for a while until Walky gets actual leadership, and he is very unprepared for it never really having responsibility. That being said he is a surprisingly good leader. Is startagy of not overthinking a mission serves him well in confronting his sociological enemy. He also has quiet a temper which has gone off to terrible resolute.  Over time he becomes...I don't want to say selfless in his responsibilities. He just sees it as their being no other way to live aside from fighting aliens. It's actually his relationship with Joyce(Who he had a thing for from the first time he saw her) that really makes him want more out of life, and makes him become a better person.

Joyce Brown
At the end of Roomies Joyce was midwiped and being trained as a weapon for SEMME. She, along with most members of SEMME, was genetically engineered by the aliens to serve as their ultimate weapons. Joyce is still the same person she was before getting her mind wiped. She is kind and trusting. She loves dogs and watching cartoons. It's just now she has no memory of anything. This really messes with her. She doesn't know anything about her past life(SEMME won't tell her anything). What she does know is that she mindwiped herself. This really makes her wonder how bad her life may have been before coming to SEMME. So really she's of to minds about it. She really wants to learn about her past, but she's really afraid to learn about it. She is also very unstable at this point, not liking how a lot of her team views her which eventually leads her to killing her clone in cold blood(she gets better). When she eventually gets her memory back she(after realizing she missed her mid-term) Joyce comes to the realization that she just isn't the same person that she was. One such event was her having to come to grips with her realization that she has had horrible things happen to her, but she was a Christian who believed in a loving god. It messed with her a bit. By the end she has really muttered out of her completely innocent phase even having sex with Walky around the end.

Sal Walters
So Sal and Walky are twins separated by birth. That's a whole thing, but the point of this. In It's Walky we learn that the reason she ran away was actually because the aliens killed her parents right in front of her. This also explains why joined SEMME. She ever much has Walky's problem of feeling that she has to be a killing monster, but to a much worse extant then Walky. She also feels very responsible for her parents death. Over all her story is one full of angst.

Jason Chesterfeild
Jason is maybe the only feild agent at SEMME with no superhuman powers. He just happened to be with Sal when she met SEMME. Speaking of Sal, Jason is quiet smitten with her. Jason knows it with never go anywhere he wants it to go, but he keeps trying to get close to her none the less. Jason is also from another dimension. That's more important for the tail end of the series, but it's also very complicated. So not going to touch that. Jason is also the leader of the team at the beginning of the series. He got their because of his ability to think with logic. He also always want to be very prim and proper.

Mike Warner
Mike is an asshole.

Joe Rosenthal
Joe started out still in college studying for his engineering degree until Sal takes him away to work for SEMME. Joe is still his old player self, but he has grown up of only a little. He and Joyce actually become good friends with him developing a thing for her after a while. It goes away though once he finds his internet girlfriend. That's another weird thing about Joe. While he still objectifies women he will be kind and caring on the internet.

Danny Wilcox
Danny has now graduated with a degree in something I'm shore. He now lives with Billie and their relationship is getting more and more serious. They may or may not be engaged while the series is going, I really don't remember. This however comes with conflict as he has to deal with Sal who still has a thing for him. Over all he is still this incredibly normal person in a world that has become a whole lot weirder.

Jennifer "Billie" Billingsworth
We learn a little more about Billie's history in this. Namly that Ruth actaully used to be her babysitter, and that Billie and Walky were childhood friends who grew apart over time. Billie now has a degree in journalism. She ended up not tking a job to stay with Danny, but she begin to wonder if it was worth it when Sal comes into the mix. She's still very stubborn and motivated. She'll walk right into danger to get a good story. She's very Lois Lane in that regard.

The Aliens and Head Aliens
The villains of the series.While the aliens are mostly comic relief henchmen the Head Alien is twisted. He doesn't do much physical fight. He instead will just talks you into submission. He loves messing with people and making them hurt and he's very good at it. The Head Alien is also a big dork.

Dina Sarazu
I like to lay a game whenever I reread It's Walky. I call it 'Oh Dina'. To play all you have to do is count how many times you feel horrible fro Dina. This girl never gets a break, and I feel bad for her even now.

Robin DeSanto
Robin was brought in late to the story mainly for increase the mood. She has super speed which is powered by sugar. She is very hyperactive. She doesn't really have a lot of depth until the next seires so until then.

It's Walky may not be the best thing David Willis has ever done, but it's my favorite. I love these character and the adventures that they go through. It may not be that funny at first, but I love the humor later on. Over all just click here for Willis redrawing of the first story of It's Walky. I think you'll like it.

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