Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Tale of Two Stans

A while back I made a reaction post about my thoughts on the recent Transformers movie. I had planed on Friday to do something similar with the Ant-Man move which I still plan to, but I learned earlier today that the most recent episode of Gravity Falls finally aired. I just finished watching the episode so here are my thoughts. A lot of interesting stuff happens so their will be spoilers for the show.

First and formost the big thing that happens in this episode is learning the history between Stanley (Stan) and his brother Stanford(Ford). They were once the best of friends despite how different they were, and they continued to be best friends until Ford had an opportunity to go to the best school in the U.S.; an opportunity that Stan ruined. They then spend years way from each other with Ford going to college and Stan trying to make it rich with scams. Ford being interesting in anomalies in the word wound up in Gravity Falls to study the town, and he wrote his discoveries down in three journals. His conclusion was that all of the weird in this town actually came from another dimension and with help from McGucket built a portal to this world. It worked, but during a test McGucket's head goes through the portal for a few seconds. He came back out possessed. While I don't remember exactly what he said he did mention to beware the creature with one eye. After McGucket felt to forget the event, Ford got more and more pardoned about something. He sent word to Stan to come to Gravity Falls to hide one of the journals When Stan did arrive he and his brother got into a fight which turned physical. The end result being Ford being sent into the portal by accident. Stan wanting to get his brother back stayed at his brother's house. After a while he needed money so he opened up the Mystery Shack. In the present Ford says he will stay in the basement while Stan watches the kids, but at the end of the summer the Mystery Shack is gone. 

The big thing about this episode is finally learning why the journals were created, but their is a lot more going on with the characters. Stan and Ford act as comparisons to Dipper and Mable. They are twins that were extremely close, but over time they hated each other. Mable even notices this and asks Dipper if he thinks that will ever happen to them. He says no, but she still has doubts. This could be foreshadowing to a future event where the mystery twins get into a big fight, or it could be the start of Mabel becoming clingy over her brother being afraid the loose him. Dipper was actually very energetic throughout the episode, and that is understandable. For all of the summer Dipper has been wondering who wrote the journals and now that man is right in front of him, and now he's fanboying out.

The humor of this episode was minor compared to others. Most of the humor was in the present, but most of the episode was in the past. I don't mean to say that the humor is bad this episode(I loved the fact that Soos has Gruncle Stan fan fiction), it's just that their isn't a lot.

Their are a lot of questions that are brought up  in this episode, but I want to talk about a specific one. Where does Bill Cipher fit into this? Really, Bill is in the journal so Ford must have met him. Their is also McGucket's rambling about a creature the one eye. Bill is about to play a much bigger role then he has in the series before.

I'm guessing their is a lot more in this episode that I either didn't notice or choose not to talk about. This is one of those shows that can really get people talking. So leave a comment about something you find interesting about this episode and I may make a post in the future continuing this discussion. That's it for today. Until next

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