Friday, July 31, 2015

A look at the next King

Wealth, fame, power. If someone where to travel the world and find the legendary treasure, the One Piece, they would have all of that and anything else the world had to offer. One such person is the young Monkey D. Luffy, but he doesn't want the One Piece for any of those reasons. Luffy wants to find the One Piece for the sake of it. Luffy can very easily come off as a simple man because most of the times he is. He wants to eat a lot. He wants adventure. And he wants to follow his dream. But that's not all their is to him. Digging  little deeper you can find a man with an interesting look on people, life, and goals.

Let's start with people. Luffy is very friendly, and can make friends easily. He will also go to great lengths to protect them. What is more interesting is when he will protect them. Luffy goes through life giving it all or nothing, so he respects others who do so as well. What he doesn't respect are cowards. People who won't stand up for something they believe in. Now he understands that not everyone is as strong as him, but he doesn't think that should matter. The way he sees it is that standing up for something is the first step. Luffy will handle the next step. Namely kicking the ass of whoever stands in his friend's way.

Luffy says in episode one that if he dies then he dies. As long as he died following his dream then he has no regrets. Luffy is always willing to risk his life in a battle. He also has an amazing will to live. These to treats create something truly powerful. He is a man who won't quiet until he dies, and he refuses to die. He will also needlessly put himself in harms way to protect people. He get's up set when he can't protect the people he cares about.

Luffy along with everyone on his crew have goals that they want to achieve. But Luffy isn't really interested in his goal. Don't get me wrong. He wants to find the One Piece and become the King of the Pirates, but searching for treasure isn't about the treasure for him. Luffy loves adventure, so he will get side tracked a lot to chase various legends. That's why Luffy is actually looking for the One Piece. It's the biggest legend their is. When Luffy do find the One Piece and become the Pirate King I would not be surprised if the very next thing he does is set out for sail to look for a brand new adventure.

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