Monday, July 13, 2015

Skin Horse

As technology changes humans will be forced to answer questions it has never been faced with before. How will we react when a computer is able to talk about to us on its own accord? What happens when a lab rat we've been working on says it doesn't want to do any more experiments? What happens when the dead walks the earth again and this time they want health insurance? The government will have to find a way to deal with these new citizens. And thus Project Skin Horse was created.
Skin Horse is about the government section Skin Horse which deals with none human life, but not with a violent way. As seen above they are civil works with the job of helping people. Skin horse is a small group so all members are part of the main cast. First off is field team leader Sweetheart. U.N.I.T.Y a field agent and Sweetheart's roommate. Dr. Dennis "Tip' Wilkins is a psychologists and team liaison with the government. Their is also Moustachio(Office secretary) and Gavotte (Skin Horse director)   While the story is fairly simple at first it ramps up over time. This mostly humor, but the story is growing and can keep you entertained.
The characters of Skin Horse are some of the most unique cast I've ever seen. Sweetheart is that talking dog above. She was created by a made scientist to take of the United States, but doesn't really have a killing in her. Now she works for the government. He is a competent leader, but is very bad at keeping control over her team. U.N.I.T.Y. is a government project to create an undead, super soldier, killing mechanic, and the succeeded in everything save for the soldier part. U.N.I.T.Y. is a trigger happy zombie who is on the team many so she can hurt things that get out of line. Tip was a Captain in the U.S. army before joining Skin Horse. He is also a transvestite. These characters are good at working off each other and they do get the job done. Sometimes. Okay rarely, but it is a fun adventure.
  Yep the story gets big. At first a lot of the things that happen are just wacky fun, but as things progress new information is revealed that shacks things up. Many characters believe a war is coming between humans and non-humans. Our cast also learns that this may not be the first war like this. And its possible that Skin Horse does more harm then good. All of these things are used to make a actually really compelling story. I know at the very least I want to see what is happening.
Over all skin horse is a fun and amusing comic with character you just want to see more of. I would click here to start.

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