Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Day 9: Detective Comics, Action Comics, and Flash Rebirth.

I know today I was going to be talking about an anime again, but that was until I got my comics for the week. Then I knew I had to push everything back to talk about these amazing book. Well to clarify, I still planned to talk about anime today until I read the Flash book, but we'll get to that. For now let's do some rapid reviews of the three books I got this week.

Detective Comics has started it's numbering again, and I am happy to say this does seem to be setting up a mystery. How it will unfolded I do not know which is good for the start of the mystery. However I don't actually know if I'll be picking this book up beyond this point. The mystery didn't really interest me that much. The characters however are where I feel it falls a little. We have Batman who is doing his normal Batman thing, but he's in "I keep secrets from EVERYONE" mode which I am not a fan of. Batwoman is amazing. I've never really cared about her until I read this book, and wow do I know want to read all of her books. Red Robin was a character I never really knew about, and this book taught me nothing. Spoiler is my sister's favorite Batgirl, and after reading this issue this is still all I know. Orphan is my favorite Batgirl and member of the Bat family. She is also the reason I picked up this book, and one of two reasons why I'd pick up the next book. She just hasn't had much to do aside from beating some people up (like most of these characters really). Clayface is the other reason why I'd stick around. I instantly felt pathos for him, and I do look forward to seeing his fate. But like I said I still don't know if I'm going to drop this.

Action Comics is also starting it's numbering again, and wow is it coming off great.Clark White has finally come out of hiding after seeing Lex Luthor come out as the new Superman. I've always loved the dynamic that superman and lex have. It's one where Superman has nothing to loose by publicly bashing Luthor, but Lex has to be careful about what he says in public because Superman is so well loved. I also found Lois as Clark's rock to be great, but what stole it from Clark's family was Jon. He was such a fun breath of fresh air. To my knowledge Superman has never really had a sidekick, so I look forward to seeing him teach someone around a cap. Also I got so raped up in the story that I ended up I forgot Doomsday was on the cover, so I was very surprised to see him in it. I will be picking up he next one.

Flash Rebirth did something great. The comic book took elements from the popular TV show, but it didn't become the TV show. This book is the main reason why I wanted to do this post to begin with. I like the idea of changing the comic to match the popular show/movie in order to help new readers into the comic media. It's that idea that has made Tony Stark a likable human. But for someone who reads the comics and the show it can get annoying. If I wanted to watch the show I'll watch the show. I don't want to read the exact same thing that I watch weekly. This is why I'm really happy that this book does take some elementals from the show (Barry actually helped his father before he died), but Barry is still very much comic Barry. This book is mostly about what happened before and after the events of DC Rebirth. Before Rebirth Barry is dealing with a mystery that involves the murder of a woman, presumably involving the new villain Godspeed. After Rebirth it's the mystery of who is tampering with the world that Barry is going to solve with Batman. Despite that the best part of it all was still Barry and Wally together. These two people love each other, and have such great respect for each other. It just put a simile on my face seeing them seeing the other as the hero here.

Overall I feel this was a good comic day. I'll be back tomorrow with another Hero story.

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