Thursday, June 2, 2016

Day 2: The Alola Region

Earlier today we finally got a look at the full region of Alola. Now, one of the big draws of Pokémon for me is the sense of adventure of going to a never before seen area. As such, I love looking at the overhead view of regions and seeing all of the places I will be exploring. And as such, here are my Top 10 places (in no particular order) that I can't wait to go to in Pokémon Sun and Moon.

First off is this Ice Top Mountain. I've lived in the southern United States for most of my life so I always love seeing snow and ice areas. I'm also a pretty big fan of ice types, and this looks like the only place I'll be able to catch a regional ice type.

With so much of the area full of forests and greenery, the almost desert area stuck out. We can see a temple near a giant stone slag. I would think this is is where you can catch either Lunala or Solgaleo. Also I'd think a lot of ground type could be found here and I LOVE ground types.

This one foresty area has a lake in it. Clearly this has to be a large lake if it can be seen in the art work. It also seems kinda important, so I want to sit by those important waters and fish in them.

Areas with black rocks are instantly cool in my book. What's more, steam seems to be erupting from it. Hopefully we'll get Fire and Water types from there.

Alola is based off of Hawaii, so it would just be silly to not have at least one Volcano area. As such, this area was kind of a no brainer. I really hope it isn't filled with Torkals and Numels. Why? I'll talk about that in a future post.

What is this? Is it a resort? Is it a gym? The Elite Four? I really have no idea. I do however know that I can't wait to find out.

I don't know what it is about going into a tree like that, but god damn do I love it. I hope this isn't just a gym, but an actual tree I must climb.

What is this town? It is completely walled in. Did something happen here? Is it designed like a castle? Why is it set up like this? These are are questions I want answered.

Going back to the third island we have this volcano looking thing. Maybe we have a legendary pokémon here. Maybe it's a villain hide out. I'll be stuck on this mystery for a while.

And finally we have this thing. Wow does it look cool. And wow I have no idea what that is. But once again, wow does it look cool.

And there you have it. I was going to be posting something different today, but then this announcement came out, and I felt I had to do this. Anyway, that's all for today. See you all later.

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