Sunday, June 12, 2016

Day 13: My problem with Musical (I've work on)

I've been doing theater sense my freshmen year of high school. I did many small parts with my most notable roles being George from "Sorry wrong number", Sam from "The Long Christmas Dinner", and the guard from "12 Angry Men". I however found my calling in theater as a spot light operator. I became so good at it that when the other spot operators graduated I was able to do the work basically by myself. It became a problem however when it was my last semester and litter no one else (not even the teacher) knew how to work it or preform repair. But this is not a time for warm thoughts of old. No this is about why I believe my high school director couldn't produce a good musical to save her life. 
The problem would start with the actual picking of the musical. Most of the time the "musicals" that she picked couldn't even be called musicals. I always do a test when I watch musicals. I mentally take out the songs. If I can still follow the plot then it failed as a musical. If the songs adds nothing then their should be no reason why the song was even their. My favorite example of this was a play called "Kilroy was Here". It was horrible by itself, but the music itself added nothing to the play. If you took out the songs then all that will happen will be a shorter run time. 

What then follows is the casing choices. Wow could she not pick people who could act. They couldn't sing either. She would only ever pick people who looked the part regardless of ability. The example here was when we did High School Musical. People got casted just because they looked like the people in the movie regardless of acting ability. 

And finally, let's assume she got past both of these hurdles. She ended picking a good play, The Prince and the Pea. She ended up getting a good cast and crew. Then her directing failed. She as whole just can't direct comedies which is fine. She should just direct into her strengths yet she keeps picking comedies. What's worse is that she never gets the jokes, so she keeps messing up the comedic beats. 

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