Sunday, June 5, 2016

Day 6: 10 Pokémon that Need Evolutions

One of my favorite things about generation 4 was how we got so many new pokémon in the form of evolution. I think one of the big reasons I like it so much is that new evolutions require you to use older Pokémon, but still lead you into new ones, while megas are just the same old one. I would like to see more of these, but I also want to see more new cross generation evolutions aside from eevee. So, here are 10 pokémon I want to have an evolution in Pokémon Sun and Moon.

10. Corphish

Ya, I know. This pokémon already has an evolution. Well this would be a branch evolution. So why this pokémon? Well Corphish's Pokédex entry says that it adapts to different locations, and that it was imported to Hoenn. The youtube series The Dex talks about how corphish could have had a different evolution in a different region. That is something I'd love to see in Alola.

9. Zorua

This is the last branch evolution. For a design I'd want it to stay on all 4's with the same basic color scheme. I'd make this have a part fairy type and would switch the Atk and Sp. Atk that Zoroark has. I'll admit this is mostly because I like this line so much.

8. Wailord

I want this for 1 reason and one reason only. I want something EVEN BIGGER!!!

7. Magcargo

This is just a bad pokémon. I'd remove that rock typing and replace it with steel with a boost to defense and special defense.

6. Noivern

Noivern's biggest problem is that it just can't hit very hard. This thing would evolve into a a much greater sp. attacker. I think it would keep it's same typing. It would also loose some physical attack, and gain even more speed.

5. Dunsparce

I love dunsparce unironically. I just love it's Serene Grace with nothing but flinching moves. I'd give this thing more HP and ATK. Also a move I'll call super headbutt. Does the same amount of damage, but has a higher chance to flinch.

4. Sandslash

Sandslash is outclassed by so many things. For this evolution I'd give it a poison type to deal with grass and fairy types. Also I'd increase it's attack and HP, so it can give and take hits a little better.

3.  Drapion

This pokémon just needs needs some more in the way of defenses to make a great support with spikes and toxic spikes. Whirlwind, taunt, and knock off are also great things it just cannot use because it's stats are just not very good.

2. Shuckle

What if this super annoying pokémon evolved into something even worse? Just think, it gains even worse attack, but the defenses just get stupid good. That is what I'd want to see.

1. Sawsbuck
I wanted to put at least one pokémon with multiple forms in the list, and I like Sawsbuck a lot so I put it here. What if it evolved into different pokémon depending what form it is? Summer stays grass/normal. Winter turns into Grass/Ice. Fall turns into Grass/Fire. Spring turns into Grass/Fairy. What the stats would be I would not know, but I do know I'd love to see it.

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