Friday, June 17, 2016

Day 17: Cannot, Can Not, and Can't

This is a part of the America English Langue that I've always thought was weird. Can't is a commonly used contraction for the word "can" and "not". Normally contractions are just replacements for the two words that are normally in that place in the sentence. However can and not are different in the US. The phase, "I can't do this." is grammatically correct while "I can not do this." is incorrect. Instead in the United States uses cannot as one word. I have no idea why this is the case, but I'd be very curios to find out.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Day 17: Why Ash wouldn't/shouldn't win the Kalos league

I've heard this song and dance many times. "Wow Ash's team is so good this time!" "I know it. This time Ash will win the league." Blah blah blah blah blah. I've been part of the Internet fandom from about half way through the Sinnioh anime, so let me tell you these thoughts of Ash actually winning a league are nothing new. But I'm not here to talk about the likelihood of Ash winning the league. I'm here to talk about why Ash shouldn't win the league.

I have two major reasons why I believe Ash shouldn't win the Kalos league. The first reason is because the villain plot is not complete. It is my opinion that the league should be the last thing in the season. It's the way Ash get's to show just how far Ash has come in in regional journey. If the villain plot isn't over before the league then that means that Ash has not achieved as much yet. What's more if Ash wins the Kalos league then we just won't have time let that settle because then the villain plot will have to be dealt with. Ash winning should be the grand conclusion to a season, not just a part of it.

The second reason is (and this is important) is that Ash has more then 6 pokemon. Ash has 68 pokemon, but as the previews are showing it looks like Ash will only be using his Kalos Pokemon. While their is nothing wrong with that on it's own, Ash shouldn't win like that. Ash's first league victory should be helped by all of his pokemon. Everyone of them should be shown in it. Everyone of them should show that it is important. Every one of them should be their to celebrate their victories. Not just six pokemon.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Dy 16: Yungoos, Pikipek, and Grubbin

These are the three new Pokemon introduced yesterday. I thought I'd give my thoughts on them quickly. Sorry this isn't being more detailed, but I've been spending most of my time planning a trip, and working a future detailed post.

I don't know why but I love Yungoos. Will I catch it? Oh hell yes. Will I use it on my team? Probably not. I've like the early normal types more then most, but not enough to give it a spot on my team.

I am not a fan of the early bug type. The only time this has not been the case was with Scolipied and Leavanny. I love those two. While I won't know until it evolves, I don't like Grubbin on first impression. It seems like it will evolve into an electric type. I can honestly say I'm not really a fan of the idea, but that's probably because I like joltik to much.

I will be getting Pikipek. I love getting the regional bird my first play through of a game. When I don't know what I'll be getting in the long run, the bird is always a nice flyer to have on. I'm also big on the water starters, so having something to deal with grass types is nice. Don't know how good it will be if I end up with Litten, but I'll at least have a way around fighting types.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 15: The Sense of Adventure

A friend of mine and I were talking about various D&D campaigns that we wanted to run. We through out some cool ideas, but my favorite was one of his. It was the idea that the campaign would take place in a young world. This world is so young that ruins don't scatter the land. A lot of the creatures that are of magical origins (as in creature races that were created by wizards) have not come around let. I then told him that if I was a character in that game I'd pick a direction, and I'd just sail in that direction until I found land. From there I'd try to start a settlement. He and I loved this idea. I just love the idea of exploring the open world and making it your own. That's one of the reasons why I'm so looking forward to Breath of the Wild.

I've never been that interested in Zelda, but this is the first one in the series that really caught my eye. I know nothing about this aside from the game play trailer, and just from that I'm interested. It is such a beautiful world that I just want to run around and see all that I can. It was that same mentality that caused me to by Xenoblade X. I just wanted to explore Mira, and now I want to explore Hyrule.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Day 14: Kyle Rayner: The Brave and the Bold

I love the show Batman: The Brave And The Bold. It was my first real look into the DC Universe, and loved to showcase the less popular character in the DC universe. It was this idea of looking at the unknown which caused the main Green Lantern to be Guy instead of Hal or John. However, I find it weird that Kyle Rayner didn't show up once. He's my favorite Green Lantern and outside of comics he has only been seen in a episode of Superman and Justice League. Outside of that no one knows him who aren't into comics. I've brought this up mostly to say that Kyle never even gets a cameo. Alan Scott didn't even get that little. Alan was an old man, but he still showed up. I'm just sad my favorite lantern never got the spot light he needed.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Day 13: My problem with Musical (I've work on)

I've been doing theater sense my freshmen year of high school. I did many small parts with my most notable roles being George from "Sorry wrong number", Sam from "The Long Christmas Dinner", and the guard from "12 Angry Men". I however found my calling in theater as a spot light operator. I became so good at it that when the other spot operators graduated I was able to do the work basically by myself. It became a problem however when it was my last semester and litter no one else (not even the teacher) knew how to work it or preform repair. But this is not a time for warm thoughts of old. No this is about why I believe my high school director couldn't produce a good musical to save her life.