Saturday, May 21, 2016

Update thing!

Hey everyone, Masterofthez here. I just wanted to do a little bit of an update for you people about what to expect now that school is out for myself. First off, I have like 10 half finished posts that I will be completing soon, but I'll be saving those for next month. Why? Because I want to save them for another 30 days of posts. Last year I decided to post something every day on this blog for a whole month. I had a lot of fun doing it, so I think I'll be doing it again, so expect that in the coming days. What can you expect from it? I don't really know, but if I had to guess I'd say mostly Pokémon Sun and Moon stuff and stuff about DC Rebirth. Anyway look forward to that.

Now on the more of a behind the scene news, I now have an editor. My friend 4ntlrice7 (I'll call her Lrice) has agreed to be my editor so things will look more professional around here. She is also allowed to post things here if she wants, so expect to see things from her. So to welcome her to the masterofthez crew (because there is now more than just me, so I can call us that), let's hear a little from her. Take it away Lrice.

(Hello peoples!!! I am super excited to be able to edit my friend's blog. I love grammar. It's great. *squeeks in a mad delight for all things editorial* And my friend is great too. I am honored to contribute to such thoughtful creativity. Hope you guys enjoy his writing.)

So I believe that was all that needed to be covered. Join us next time when I talk about a leak for DC Rebirth. See you then.

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