Sunday, May 22, 2016

DC Rebirth Spoiler Talk

Okay people, I learned of a spoiler for the book DC Rebirth that comes out on the 25th. It is the only piece of info I've read about it that was not in a press reveal, and I plan to keep it that way. These are just my thoughts on the book and what may come about from it. This post was originally going to be an idea I had about the new started pokémon, but I'm just so excited for this. So just to be clear, spoilers are below the break.

As some of you may not be aware, my favorite dc character/comic book character/superhero is The Flash. But not just any Flash. My favorite is the third Flash, Wally West. I have a lot of reasons for this, but that is a topic for another day. So why did I bring this up? Well, the DC reboot of 2011 called the New 52 was not kind to Wally West. For the first couple of years there was no Wally. The only Flash there had ever been was Barry Allen (who I only recently began to like). When he was eventually reintroduced he was very different. Let's get this out of the way first. Yes, Wally West is now a different race. He is now an African-American teen instead of a white skinned ginger. This is not a bad thing. Nothing about what makes Wally Wally is tied into race and there is nothing wrong with changing a character's race (white washing is a different case). The problem with this is that they didn't make Wally black. No, what they did was make a new black character and name him Wally West. He was a punk ass kid who didn't resemble the third man to take the name Flash at all. Also no super speed save for an alternate future.

Why have I brought this up? Well earlier today I saw this:
Yep, it seems pre-new 52 Wally is back. Now from this point on, I will be going into speculation territory. If you want to know if my guesses are right, you can just google the answer yourself. The whole book was leaked.

Now honestly this isn't the biggest surprise in the world. As someone who was reading Titan's Hunt, I know they mentioned that a 10th member was still missing. The only member of the original Teen Titans team that did not appear in the book was Wally, so I assumed Dan Abnett (the writer of the book) was going to deal with Wally at some point in the Titans book coming out later this year. I was not expecting his pre-new 52 return to be in a book this major.

The big take away from this picture is that Wally is for some reason in his Kid Flash costume. While Wally is in it, I don't think he is a kid in this story mainly because he is calling Batman Bruce and not Mr. Wayne or Mr. Batman. My guess to why he's in the costume is so the reader can tell when Barry or Wally are talking. Yes, there is probably a story reason too, but I feel my idea is the meta-meat behind it. It's also just great to see it again.

I'm so afraid Wally is going to die. I really don't want him to die. I want him to end up on this earth. To end up joining the Titans. I want him to have a great life with his wife while teaching his kids about heroing. I don't want this story to be the death of Wally West.

If Pre-New 52 Wally is here, as is Pre-New 52 Superman, then I have to wonder what other character from the old universe will show up. My big bucks are on Booster Gold who actually showed up in Convergence and met his New 52 self.

Well, I'm now more excited about this book than ever before, so I look forward to heading to the story after work to pick it up. That's all for now.

Masterofthez is out.

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