Saturday, September 20, 2014

TMNT 2012 Season 2 finally: SPOILERS

Damn. Just...just, damn.

Seriously that was pretty awesome. I wan't really feeling it at the start with Casey being an idiot but when Erma turned out to be a Krang it really elevated the story for me. 

This two parter never let me forget how serious the situation was. A few notable moments were when Leo was alone fighting the Foot. You could just feel the exhaustion and desperation coming off of him. Also I know it's kind of cliche, but I also really liked the broken picture with the turtles that Splinter finds. I just love the imagery of it.

Now for the ending. It actually reminded me a lot of the season two finally of The Last Airbender, were the victory that the heroes get is only surviving to fight another day. Mikey asking Raph what's next was an especially sober moment for me.

So encase you couldn't tell I really enjoyed it and I can wait for season 3.

P.S. Mikey throwing the cough on Rahzar made me laugh so hard. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fucking tutorial!

There are a lot of different games to play with your buddies. Mario Party, Mario Cart, and Halo to name a few. A game people don't tend to mention as much is Fire Emblem. In theory Fire Emblem could work well. You have a game that, to do well in, you need to focus on an entire battle field. So having two friends coming up with the plans could help win with less character death. That's what my friend David and I thought when we wanted to hang out and play some video games.

Now, the copy of the game was David's but he had not played the game in a really long time while I had never even played anything from the Fire Emblem series. Because of this we decided to have the tutorials on. And this is were the title comes.

There were so many tutorials in the few levels we played through. While the two player idea did work well all the tutorials were just insufferable for two guys that just wanted to have fun. With that said, I have now played through some Fire Emblem games on my own time with the tutorials on to learn how to play the game, and they do help for new players.

So the moral of the story here is that if your going to play Fire Emblem as a group then be positive that everyone in your group has a basic idea of the game before you play.