Saturday, November 1, 2014

Isn't the song that's played in Castelia City Gym cool?

In the various gyms throughout Unova you would get a remix of the gym theme in each gym to fit the theme of the gym. Instead of talking about them all I'm just going to make a quick post about the one I'm listening to now. With Black and White 2 the Castelia gym got a redesign from honey to silk. When I first played through the game it gave me the creeps and the slow music was a big part of it. Now that I'm listening to the music away from the game, I still feel unsettled but I also has a strange calmness to it. But I don't study music so it might be best for you to hear the music yourself here.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The rise and fall of Ben 10

I was 9 when the original Ben 10 first aired. Hell, I remember some of the trailers for the show before it even started. When the show started I loved it. Ben 10 was my favorite show as a kid. What's more I re-watched the show last year and I still enjoyed it. I recommended the episodes "Hunted", "A Small Problem",and "Ultimate Weapon" if you want to try out the show. 

When I first saw trailers for Ben 10: Alien Force I was worried, but the idea that Kevin being a good guy this time around made me curios enough to watch. Thankfully I loved it. These kids no longer had a mentor in Max to guild them. They had to do it on their own. Kevin was really well done. While Gwen was hit or miss for me in OS, I turned into a fan of her in this season. I liked Julie. I enjoyed the more serious tone of the series. And most important I loved Ben. In five years he had changed from a kid who was giddy at the idea of being a super hero to a teenager who understands the importance of of what he did. Needless to say this is my favorite series of Ben 10. Some of my favorite episodes of Alien Force are "Paradox", "Con of Rath", and "Alone Together". As a side note: alone together is my favorite episode of all of Ben 10. 

Ultimate Alien is weird for me. It's really more of the same but with Ben's character being a little different, but I'll talk more about that later. I thought making Ben's identity public was a good idea at this point in time (why his identity becomes public is silly, but I'm amused by it). The idea of having an evolution function was a cool idea but at the end of the day wasted. This season also has the most episodes I recommend: "...Nor Iron Bars a Cage", "Prisoner Number 775 is Missing", "The Ultimate Sacrifice", "Catch a Falling Star", and "Absolute Power part 1 and 2"  

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pokemon Episode Pictures

Their comes a time when you're looking at the newest Serebii's Episode Pictures were you just stop and you  have to ask yourself, "What the hell is gone in this episode?"

Also, Mega Rayquaza looks awesome!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

TMNT 2012 Season 2 finally: SPOILERS

Damn. Just...just, damn.

Seriously that was pretty awesome. I wan't really feeling it at the start with Casey being an idiot but when Erma turned out to be a Krang it really elevated the story for me. 

This two parter never let me forget how serious the situation was. A few notable moments were when Leo was alone fighting the Foot. You could just feel the exhaustion and desperation coming off of him. Also I know it's kind of cliche, but I also really liked the broken picture with the turtles that Splinter finds. I just love the imagery of it.

Now for the ending. It actually reminded me a lot of the season two finally of The Last Airbender, were the victory that the heroes get is only surviving to fight another day. Mikey asking Raph what's next was an especially sober moment for me.

So encase you couldn't tell I really enjoyed it and I can wait for season 3.

P.S. Mikey throwing the cough on Rahzar made me laugh so hard. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fucking tutorial!

There are a lot of different games to play with your buddies. Mario Party, Mario Cart, and Halo to name a few. A game people don't tend to mention as much is Fire Emblem. In theory Fire Emblem could work well. You have a game that, to do well in, you need to focus on an entire battle field. So having two friends coming up with the plans could help win with less character death. That's what my friend David and I thought when we wanted to hang out and play some video games.

Now, the copy of the game was David's but he had not played the game in a really long time while I had never even played anything from the Fire Emblem series. Because of this we decided to have the tutorials on. And this is were the title comes.

There were so many tutorials in the few levels we played through. While the two player idea did work well all the tutorials were just insufferable for two guys that just wanted to have fun. With that said, I have now played through some Fire Emblem games on my own time with the tutorials on to learn how to play the game, and they do help for new players.

So the moral of the story here is that if your going to play Fire Emblem as a group then be positive that everyone in your group has a basic idea of the game before you play.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Don't worry game. I'll voice act for you.

I got into the Ace Attorney series from PrinceBoo21's Let's Plays of the first three games. He provided voice acting for the characters because the game had none. When the time came for me to play my first ace attorney game, Apollo Justice, the game itself did not have voice acting and with no Prince Boo I just started voice acting myself. Apollo was my normal speaking, Trucy was a higher pitch of my normal voice, ect. But the weird thing about it was I didn't really relies it was happening. I just did it, but the strangeness of it does not stop there.

When I downloaded Dual Destinies I started playing it instantly and I started voice acting it again even thought the game had voice acting, all be it very little. I noticed this time when my mom asked who I was talking to in the living room. Even after I became aware of my voice over I still spoke all the characters dialogue out loud. The most humorous part of it being the fact that I gave Detective Fullbright a high-pitch nasally voice when he really had a normal, if some what deep, voice.

And then came Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright. As you may have suspected I started doing voice work in this game as well, but ONLY in the court cases (of which I've done two so no spoilers). It's just something about the Ace Attorney style that makes me want to read it aloud. It's strange what some games can make you feel like doing.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Review: To Boldly Flee

To Boldly Flee is the four year anniversary of the website thatguywiththeglasses. While its predecessors, Kickassia and Suburban Knights were parodies of War and Fantasy genres To Boldly Flee now taking away from everything Science Fiction. The plot is one of the most meta things I've ever watched, so it maybe a little hard to understand from my description, but I'll try my best. One year after the death of Ma-ti in the last movie the Nostalgia Critic is still in mourning. The Critic, after consulting with several people, learns that Ma-ti may be dead but his character (Who he was, his soul) is still out there. Namely in the mind of Spoony and in space. At the same time various other reviewers learn that something really big has appeared in space. The plots converges and we learn that the thing in space is the Plot Hole. A strange force that is making inconsistencies throughout the world. NC, along with many other Channel Awesome celibates, head to the Plot Hole to try and stop it and hopefully figure out what happened too Ma-ti. But throughout this adventure they must face off the Executor, the man who wants to control the Plot Hole and everything else really.

I just can't bring myself to not love this movie. Science Fiction is one of my favorite genres and I love referential humor so this made me laugh a lot. Sadly if you don't know the movies they're playing off of then a lot of the humor may fall flat on you. But don't get me wrong, I still don't know what that Edward thing JO was doing is from, but I still think it's hilarious. So I guess it really depends on the person.

As said earlier the story is very meta with the movie having an actual Plot Hole in it. I can understand why some people may be turned off by this idea because, let's be real, it's weird concept. I personally think it's a really cool idea, the characters trying to fight the writing problems in their own story. One of the big idea To Boldly Flee talks about is the place of reviewers in the film industry. And to my shock as the film goes I slowly begin to question it too along with the characters of Luke and Cinema Snob. It really engrosses you into there problem.

The acting was all around good, and all the characters got to do something big in the movie. Some characters are mostly in the background aside from their five minutes of fame like Micky and Sage, but they're always there so that's good.

Don't expect much in the way of special effects, but I will say as a big AT4W fan seeing a higher budget Mechakara was wonderful.

When I had first watched Kickassia I had only known the Nostalgia Critic. Because of that movie, I learned about all of these other great funny people out there. Seeing the people I've watched for years come together always makes me happy so I can't give it a negative review to this. If you don't like the genre and the concept sounds too stupid then don't watch this movie. If you do like the way it sounds then go and watch it. I can't recommend To Boldly Flee enough.

To Boldly Flee was released in 8 part which you can watch down below.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Review: Transformers Age of Extinction

Warning: This is just my option from one viewing of this movie. If I watch it more then I may get a different option but this is what I think right now. If you have a different option then leave it in the comments. 
I just got back from seeing the new Transformers movie. Before I get into my thought's let me just say my history with this movie series. I watched the first one on dvd and thought it was a fun, stupid, action movie. I watched the seconded one in theaters and really disliked it, to the point that I didn't even watch the third. So why did I see this one? The Dino-bots. Really, that's the only reason.The fact that Sam Witwicky was not in this one was also a big selling point.
 So my thoughts: it could have been so much better. It would be one thing if it was just bad but it wasn't. It had so much possible good in it. The idea of have greatness coming from mistakes is a good theme but it could have been better executed. Mark Wahlberg was a good actor in this movie and I understand why he is helping the Auto-bots and why they help him back, but we did not need was daughter and her boyfriend throughout the whole thing. The sound track was not all well done either. The biggest example is when the Dino-bots come in to the big final fight to save the day. The music should have big and bold to make the audience get pumped, but it does not. It the hero's are losing music. You know what I'm talking about. The slow, loud, booming sound that plays when the hero starts to lose before the big win. That song was played through most of the fight even when the good guys were winning. This movie also took 3 hours too sit through. Now I have nothing against long running times. A movie should take as long as it needs. This movie takes the time it needs and then another hour and a half. Like the movies before this their is way to much comic relief. The action is cool sometimes, but it has one main problem. The camera is to close to the action so we can't actually see what is going on. Now I know this next think sounds hypocritical but hear me out. The Dino-bots were just a gimmick to put people in the seats. The movie had a great build up to were the Dino-bots will come from but they don't go that route. After watching the whole movie I still don't know were they came from or why they transform into dinosaurs instead of cars. And even when they do show up their just kind of there. Kill a few bad robots and then leave is all they do. So anyway if you were planning on going to see it just to see some robot dinosaurs be in a huge awesome fight, you'll just be disappointed like me.