Sunday, January 17, 2016

Pokémon ORAS

And here we go. My final team for now. Once again I have only one Mega in the form of Champ. I honestly struggled with an idea for a name so I went with the generic. Trumpet is named after a nuzlocke comic I read a while ago. Sadly I don't actually remember what the comic is called. If someone could tell me I'd be grateful. Oneova is the favorite I've ever thought of. Of all the zubats in the world mine is One of a kind. Get it? One of a. Oneova. Radar came from me looking at the pokédex. Firefox is a simple name, as is Snow.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Pokémon X

I give you team blue plus Talonflame. I didn't actually notice the color thing until I made this image. I wanted to continue the trend of only using new pokémon from Pokémon White, and I wanted at least one mega. That's basically how the team was formed. For a final note, I did actually have a 6th team member in mind. It was going to be a gen 6 ground type that wasn't Diggerby because that thing is ugly, and that means something to me when I make a team. As it turns out, the ONLY other ground type in generation 6 is a legendary that can only be caught after the main adventure. It's like Sinnoh with Fire all over again.